Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Sheep Game: Mastersheep

MasterschafThe well-known game of Mastermind in a sheep version. Mastersheep, or in German (it is a German site): Masterschaf. Find the right comibination of coloured sheep.

Cute graphics of the sheep. Masterschaf can be found at the German Sheepplanet site Schafplanet.

Enjoy and proof that you have more brains than an average sheep (which are not so dumb, but I have discussed that earlier.


Youssouf said...

Well, you have to be a master sheep... I am a sheep, you are not (you're a Peanut-Bear). Therefor it might be more difficult for you :-D

Anonymous said...

Very cute sheep indeed! The game is fun, but rather difficult for me too.. Do they also have a frog-version?

Anonymous said...

Piep piep piep.. I can do it! It's èaèaèasy... Piep piep piep!

Youssouf said...

Err, a frog version? Not that I know of. I found it on Schafplanet, they only have sheep overthere...