Sunday, August 15, 2004

Sheep Pool

Another fun sheep game.
Sheep pool.

It is kind-a-like nine ball. With your mouse you control the dog. The sheepdog has to round the sheep to their pockets. Sheep 1 into pocket 1. Sheep 2 in pocket 2, well you can fill in the rest. Beware not to get the wrong sheep in the wrong pocket or all sheep will explode like a miniature Mururoa. And of course, sheep 1 first, then sheep 2...

So, let's play Sheep Pool!


Anonymous said...

P-B likes the magnificent explosions in the game!

Youssouf said...

I prefer the sheep alive instead of exploding. I guess you did not finish the game, Peanut-Bear, since you've always wanted to have the sheep explode instead of round them up?

Anonymous said...
