Sunday, August 15, 2004

Hanging out with SheepWorld-NICI friends

Yesterday I was hanging out with my SheepWorld-NICI friends (if you like friends like those of mine, have a look around!).
A bit sitting on the grass and bathing in the sunshine. We did some severe lounging in the evening. The photo was made on my big lounge couch. Everybody is a bit lame of the sunshine and the loads of plush-kebab we ate.

From left to right, top row: Sturby, Greyze (see this blog post), Wackelschaf.
From left to right, bottom row: Belli, Youssouf (me!) and Eweston.

A small introduction.
Sturby likes hanging out, especially at the door.
Greyze is always concerned about her fleece. No, she does not want that granny-aubergine-dye in her fleece.
Somehow people with problems always tend call Eweston.
Belli is a bit of a strange - but very adorable - southern German type with a bell (feels related to the cow-bell cattle in the Schwartzwald).
Wackelschaf is quite the silent kind of person, but his nodding mainly says enough at moments.
And finally Youssouf. Well, you know me.


Anonymous said...

How nice to meet your friends, Youssouf!
Do you also like bears? Especially Peanut-bears???

Youssouf said...

Of course I am the sheep kind of person. But I do like other fluffy animals as well, including bears. Are Peanut-Bears fluffy?

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Peanut-Bear thinks I am very fluffy...!

Youssouf said...

Then I probably like you too :-)
Flufness rulez!