Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sheep News: 'Maintenance-Free' Sheep Replace Lawnmower

With such a title you have to make a post.
It's not a Lawnmower Man story. Not scary at all.
Just a demonstration of the capabilities of us great sheep!

It’s not as cold in northwest Arkansas as it is in Iceland, but a flock of Icelandic sheep doesn’t seem to mind.


“We had some friends here a year ago in October,” said Marilyn Miles. “Dennis told them how much time he spent mowing. Our friends said we ought to get some sheep.”

Read the full story at 'Maintenance-Free' Sheep Replace Lawnmower

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sheep Game: Baa Baa Black Sheep

The Beeb (BBC) has of course CBBC, Children's BBC. But they go beyond that and have a CBeeBies section as well! For the wooly diaper lambs out there.

For that purpose they have designed a great game. And it is all about the song Baa Baa Black Sheep. Jolly!
Young children love the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep and they will enjoy matching the pictures to the rhyme. This game was designed for all children but particularly for those with autism and related communication disorders.
Well. It should fit the average visitor of this blog ;-)
I managed to play all 3 levels! Even Flapser managed it.
Try it for yourself!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Lamblet - "To Baaa or Not To Baaa"

Back in 1997 my friend Gwynt translated William Shakespeare's famous Hamlet monologue to a more sheepish version. Since this sheepish masterpiece may not end up in the bottom drawer of oblivion, I will post it on my weblog.
The original version was published under the Games, Downloads & Miscellaneous Sheep Stuff of Gwynt's Sheep Paradise (which I archived).

Behold. It is not the most brilliant and correct English out there, but you have to make some concessions when you translate the monologue to a sheep dyeing story.

Monologue from 'Lamblet' by Woolliam Sheepspeare

(Act III, Scene I.- A Room in the Castle.
ligne 56: Enter Lamblet.)

Performed with a 'bleat in the throat'.

To baaa, or not to baaa: that is the que-e-estion:
Whe-e-ther 'tis nobler in the maaa-aaa to suffer
The sli-i-ings and a-a-arr-ewes of outsheareous fo-o-ortune,
Or to ta-a-ake rams agai-ai-ainst a sheep of troubles, A-a-and by oppo-o-osing end ram? To dye: two sheep;
No moor; and, by-y-y a sheep to say we end
The horn-ache and the thou-ou-ousand natural flocks
That flesh is here too, 'tis for consumption
Devou-ou-outly to baaa wish'd. To dye: two sheep;
Two sheep: persi-i-istent to scream: ay, they're the dumb
For in tha-a-at sheep of heath what screams may co-o-ome
When we ha-a-ave shorn of this mutton wool,
Must gi-i-ive us grass. The-e-ere's the respect
That makes insanity of such sheep life;
For who-o-o would shear the lips and horns of mine,
The shephard's wrong, the prou-ou-oud ram's contumely,
The lambs of disprized lo-o-ove, the ewe's betrayal,
The i-i-insolence of sheepishness, and the spu-u-urns
The baaa-aatient maaa-aaarit of the unwooly steaks,
When he himse-e-elf flight this delicious steak
With a baaa-aaa-aaare lambkin? who would shephards shear,
To bleat and shed u-u-under a sheary life,
But that the thread of some wool after shear,
The u-u-undiscover'd county from whose bourn
No lavender occurs, dazzles the hill,
And makes ewes rather shear those fleeces ewes have
Then dye -it bothers that ewes know not of?
Thus conscience does ma-a-ake shephards of us all;
And thu-u-us the native ewe with dye-solution
Is painted o'er with the pencils of thought
And ewe disguises in great myth and nonsense
With this rega-a-ard their cutlets turn greeny
And lose the fame of attraction. Soft ewe now!
The hairy Ovinia! Ny-y-ymph, in thy horn-sizes
Baaa a-a-all my sheep ramember'd

A Different Side Of Flapser - Part XII

A different side of Flapser